Friday, October 8, 2010

Coulson Organisation- Targeted marketing to tap the core customer customer base

Coulson Organisation's marketing strategy has always been targeted to the core customer group, which in turn would enable the customers to stay ahead in their sales. Set up in the year 2005, Coulson has imparted a human touch to its marketing solutions to make it more effective and focused unlike the ready made marketing plans that might be off target many a time. Human commercials translate into highly focused and effective acquisitions for the clients. The face to face and professional approach has been a huge success in enabling the businesses to get bonded with their target customers with ease.

A company of difference, Coulson Organisation Ltd is ideally suited for small and medium organizations that do not have a full fledged marketing teams and for those who wish to devote their time for more productive activities of their company.

The biggest advantage of direct marketing is that it allows the clients to gather comprehensive data about consumers based on click through, conversion rate, and user behavior on the site, which in turn would help them to devise and implement strategies and campaigns effectively. This is also useful for product launches to ensure optimum results. Testing enables the clients to retain the best strategies and modify marketing tactics to suit the needs.

Tagging along the highest standards, Coulson Organisation Ltd makes sure that our clients get the best possible results in the shortest possible time. With over 30000 satisfied customers in various fields like high street banks,utilities, telephony, financial services / insurance, security and charities among others in its fold, Coulson caters to the marketing needs of clients in various business lines. The enthusiastic team of committed professionals of Coulson, has played a major role in making it a trusted name in marketing within a short period of time.